
How to Preserve Pet Until Cremation?

Losing a pet can be devastating. It’s why it’s important to choose a way to memorialize your pet properly. Whether you choose cremation or taxidermy, you can honor your pet in a spectacular way and ensure you have a chance to say goodbye on your terms. 

Knowing how to preserve a pet until the cremation is critical. You might want to wait on cremation services until you & family members can be present to accept the ashes. There are a few preservation tips that you should be aware of.

1) Handle the Body Carefully

When handling the body:
· Wear latex glove.
· Clean around various openings if you notice bodily fluids being released.
· Use a blanket, towel, or sheet to wrap the body.

Once your pet has passed, you need to work quickly to preserve the body. Often, decomposition starts within hours, and you don’t want to deal with odors, either.

This can be a very difficult time, so you may want to ask a friend or neighbor to help you. This ensures that you don’t have to deal with it all on your own – and so that you have some emotional support at your side.

2) Store the Pet Properly

· Cool Environment: Keep your pet in a cool environment. If possible, place the body in a refrigerator or a cool, shaded area. This helps slow down decomposition.
· Wrap the Body: Wrap your pet’s body in a clean, breathable cloth, such as a cotton sheet or a towel. This helps maintain cleanliness and dignity.
. Sealed Container: If refrigeration is not available, you can place the wrapped body in a sealed container, like a plastic storage bin or a pet body bag, to prevent odor and insects. Ensure the container is well-sealed to maintain hygiene.

Once the pet has been wrapped, contact us for an appointment and send the carcass to our office for next ceremony for beloved pet.

“We, on behalf of 88 PetPet Memorial Services extend our deepest condolences on the recent loss of your beloved pet. Let’s us go thru the hard time together with you. We are always here to support you in any way we can.”




1) 小心处理宠物的身体



· 戴上乳胶手套。

· 如果注意到有体液渗出,请清洁各种开口部位。

· 使用毯子、毛巾或床单包裹好宠物遗体。


2) 适当储存宠物的遗体

· 保持凉爽环境: 将你的宠物放在一个凉爽的环境中。如果可能的话,将宠物遗体放入冰箱或阴凉的地方。这有助于减缓分解过程。

· 包裹遗体: 用一块干净及透气的布,比如棉床单或毛巾,包裹宠物的身体。这


· 密封容器: 如果没有冷藏设备,你可以将包裹好的宠物遗体放入密封容器中,




“我们代表88 PetPet Memorial Services,向您对心爱的宠物的离世深表慰问。在这个艰难的时刻,我们深感同情并与您共同承受悲伤。我们愿意与您一起渡过这段艰难的时光。”

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